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What is the C-ESSN?

I already receive assistance from ESSN Programme, can I also receive payment from C-ESSN?

How is the C-ESSN financed and implemented?

For whom is the C-ESSN Project?

How much is the monthly C-ESSN cash assistance and how is it transferred to the beneficiaries?

Until when will the C-ESSN support continue?

What do I do if I have a complaint or feedback about the C-ESSN Project?

How do I apply for the C-ESSN?

Where can I get an application form?

Who can apply for C-ESSN assistance?

I cannot register at Population Department since I do not have an official address. What can I do?

How soon can I learn my application result?

How are beneficiaries selected ?

Under what circumstances can the money from my KIZILAYKART account be removed?

What is the severe disability assistance?

I have already applied to the ESSN. How do I apply for the severe disability assistance?

Can I receive the severe disability assistance if I am not an ESSN /C-ESSN beneficiary?

When is the severe disability assistance payment uploaded?

Will the severe disability assistance be uploaded with same card with C-ESSN assistance?

Can only one member of the family receive severe disability assistance?

I received an SMS that I was eligible for assistance, how can I collect my KIZILAYKART?

There is no Halkbank branch near my home, how do I pick up my card and use my monthly assistance?

How can I access to the cash support in my KIZILAYKART?

When will I receive my monthly assistance loaded on my KIZILAYKART?

I do not know Arabic. How can I benefit from the services of banks?

What should I do if I lose my card, if my card is corrupted or stolen, or if my balance is less than I expected?

What is the ‘card and pin delivery and consent form’ and what is it used for?

Are there any restrictions on how I use KIZILAYKART and my account?

I was receiving assistance from ESSN Programme. I received an SMS that I was accepted to T-ESSN. Will I get a new KIZILAYKART?

In the ESSN Programme, we were receiving additional payments 4 times a year. Will there be no additional payments in the C-ESSN Project?

How can I withdraw my assistance from the ATM with the Reference Number sent to me?