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How can I apply for the C-ESSN?

What are the application requirements for the C-ESSN Project?

How can I register my address?

I cannot register at Population Directorate since I do not have an official residence address. What can I do?

Where can I get an application form?

I do not know how to fill the application form. Could you explain in a more detailed way?

Where should I submit my application form?

What documents should I submit when applying?

Some of my household members are registered under a different family number, what should we do?

What is meant by "family/household" in the C-ESSN Project?

Is the assistance provided within the scope of the C-ESSN Project given to individuals or families/households?

When can I learn my application result?

I didn't receive any SMS. What should I do?

Is the information I provided during the application shared with third parties?

I have received an SMS stating that I am not eligible for the Project. Can I reapply?

How are the recipients selected for the Project?

Under what circumstances can my cash assistance stop?

Who is the "main applicant"?

In what cases is my assistance reduced?

I have not used the assistance amount in my KIZILAYKART account for a while. How long will the assistance amount remain in my account?

I haven't received my KIZILAYKART yet. How soon should I receive it?

How can I add more family members to my ESSN application and how much time will it take?

How can I apply for winterization / disability / sickness / student assistance?

I want my application to be re-evaluated, what should I do?

One or more of my household members living at the same address were found eligible for the C-ESSN Project under different applications. As two separate households, will both households be able to receive assistance?

How can I update my address in case I move to another place?

How can I update my telephone number?