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What is the Complementary Emergency Social Safety Net Project (C-ESSN)?

I have been benefiting from the C-ESSN Project. Can I also benefit from the ESSN Project?

How is the C-ESSN financed?

Which institutions and organisations are involved in the C-ESSN Project?

Who will be able to benefit from the ESSN Project?

What is Temporary Protection?

What is International Protection?

What kind of assistance do people receive through the C-ESSN Project?

How long will the assistance last?

Why is it that the vulnerable Turkish citizens cannot benefit from the C-ESSN Project?

Can we benefit from another organisations’ assistance as well as the KIZILAYKART?

What should I do if I have a complaint or feedback about the the C-ESSN Project?

I would like to submit a complaint but I do not want this to be known.