The beneficiary criteria for the ESSN Project change based on evaluations by the Ministry of Family and Social Services and Türk Kızılay, the implementing institutions, in accordance with the requirements of the European Union, the funding provider of the Project. When there are changes, this information is communicated through the KIZILAYKART website and Facebook page.
The households matching the following criteria are eligible for assistance:
• In case there is a male individual aged between 18-64* in the household: The dependency ratio must be 1.5 or above for each adult male aged between 18-64 in the household who is responsible for taking care of dependent individuals (the dependent individuals: children between the ages of 0-17 and adults 65 years old and above).
• In case there is no adult male individual between the ages of 18-64 in the household: The number of adult females between the ages of 18-64 should not exceed 2, and the total number of household members should not exceed 6.
*As of October 2023, by the decision of the executive partners of the ESSN Project, the payment calculation for male individuals in the working age range (18-64) in the households accepted to the Project was amended. According to the payment critera, the monthly assistance amount received by households may vary.
Assistance is provided to families who meet the criteria and are eligible for the ESSN Project. Each month the card is loaded with 500 TRY per family member who are included in the payment calculation. There is also extra assistance on top of this amount, every 3 months as long as a household is eligible and the ESSN continues. Households with 1 to 4 people will receive 600 TRY, 5 to 8 people will recieve 300 TRY, 9 people or more will recieve 100 TRY. This extra assistance is for the whole household not per person. As of October 2023, by the decision of the executive partners of the ESSN Project, the payment calculation for male individuals in the working age range (18-64) in the households accepted to the Project was amended. According to the payment critera, the monthly assistance amount received by households may vary.
More populated households get a higher overall amount of assistance in the ESSN Project monthly payments, allowing the assistance to cover many needs. However, the amount of underpopulated households receive may not suffice to cover their needs. For example, a household of 6 people, in which each individual in the household is eligible according to the payment calculation, can meet some part of their rent or some other needs with 1800 TRY that they receive each month. However, it will not be possible for a household of 2 people who receive 600 TRY to pay even their rent. Thus, to cover for the gap in meeting basic needs, underpopulated households receive a higher amount every 3 months. As of October 2023, by the decision of the executive partners of the ESSN Project, the payment calculation for male individuals in the working age range (18-64) in the households accepted to the Project was amended. According to the payment criteria, the monthly assistance amount received by households may vary.