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How can I apply for the ESSN?

What are the application requirements for the ESSN Project?

How can I register my address?

I cannot register at Population Directorate since I do not have an official residence address. What can I do?

Where can I get an application form?

I do not know how to fill the application form. Could you explain in a more detailed way?

Where should I submit my application form?

What documents should I submit when applying?

Some of my household members are registered under a different family number, what should we do?

What is meant by "family/household" in the ESSN Project?

Is the assistance provided within the scope of the ESSN Project given to individuals or families/households?

When can I learn my application result?

I didn't receive any SMS. What should I do?

Is the information I provided during the application shared with third parties?

I have received an SMS stating that I am not eligible for the Project. Can I reapply?

How are the recipients selected for the Project?

Under what circumstances can my cash assistance stop?

Who is the "main applicant"?

In what cases is my assistance reduced?

I have not used the assistance amount in my KIZILAYKART account for a while. How long will the assistance amount remiain in my account?

I haven't received my KIZILAYKART yet. How soon should I receive it?

How can I add more family members to my ESSN application and how much time will it take?

How can I apply for winterization / disability / sickness / student assistance?

I want my application to be re-evaluated, what should I do?

One or more of my household members living at the same address were found eligible for the ESSN Project under different applications. As two separate households, will both households be able to receive assistance?

How can I update my address in case I move to another place?

How can I update my telephone number?